GIS5100 Week2: Natural Hazards-- Lahars

For our first lab of this course we had to identify potential hazard zones for the Mt. Hood area in Oregon. 

I was able to create a final stream feature using tools in the Spatial Analyst Extension in ArcGIS, a 2011 USGS 30M DEM of the region, census block group data, and hydrology data. To do this, I had to convert a number of rasters using the original hydrology data and DEM to determine a flow. Then, using the census block data, I was able to determine which block groups were in hazardous areas based on whether they intersected the hazard stream at .5 a mile buffer. The final result is a population analysis for areas within hazard zones. As one can see, there is a strong concentration of people, cities, and schools Southwest of Mt. Hood.


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