
Showing posts from October, 2016

Week 7&8 Lab- Data Search

Purpose:  Perform our own data search consisting of 5 Vectors, 2 Rasters, and 2 Environmental data files of our choice. Final outcome should be 2-3 map layouts showing all 9 data layers. This is our midterm assignment! I was feeling a bit more confident by the end of last week's lab exercise and became humbled after digging into this lab. Plenty of time was spent gathering data and organizing it in the source folder. I did my best to select the appropriate data from the FGDL site. For the 2 Environmental Layers I chose Land Cover and Invasive Plants because they seemed like a good pairing of data and could potentially be affecting each other. Before opening ArcMap, I also grabbed the necessary DOQQ and DEM files for Indian River County from the LABINS  and USGS National Map sites. Starting with the County boundary map shape file, I decided on the  NAD_1983_2011_StatePlane_Florida_East_FIPS_0901_Ft_US  coordinate system to reproject all my data to. From the bo...

Week 6 Lab- Projections Pt. 2

Purpose:  Learn how to find spatial data, define spatial references for that data and applying a projection to it. This lab started with conducting a data search to map eagle nest locations in Cantonment, FL, located in Escambia County, using the State Plane projected coordinate system. It was required to projected vector files from Albers to State Plane projection and learn how to verify new vector files are using the desired coordinate system. The last portion of the practice exercise required creating Tabular data in Microsoft Excel and making a shape file from it in ArcMap. The data sample for this was small in order to comprehend how coordinate data worked at its core in an excel sheet. The second part of this lab demanded to repeat most of the sample exercise steps in order to map Petroleum Tank Contamination sites in Escambia County. Using the quadindex.pdf as a guide to quads in Escambia County, I went with Perdido Bay, which falls on Quadrant #5160. While working on...