GIS5935 Module 11-- Multivariate Regression

The goal of this week's lab is to perform a series of multivariate regression analysis, examine and work with sophisticated diagnostics, and perform a regression analysis in ArcGIS.

Last week's lab exercises served as a great refresher in basic statistics and introduction to simple regression analysis, which came in extremely useful in working through this lab. It involved a higher level of statistics comprehension. I started by carrying out a multivariate regression in Excel. Then compared multivariate models created in Excel. The last part of this lab required to use ArcGIS to perform an Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) analysis and regression diagnostics. I ran the OLS and Spatial Autocorrelation (Global Moran's I) tools three times to arrive at my final results for the best fit model.

According to value result guidelines, I need to use the best fit model which consist of the highest Adjusted R-square and lowest AICc values. The first model that passed in Summary 4/8 consisted of: Pop, Jobs, LowEduc, Dist2Urb with Adjusted R-square .831080 and AICc 683.470629 values.


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